
Residential Life

曼彻斯特 University Campus Mall

曼彻斯特 University was established as a residential college, 强调和重视从宿舍生活中获得的全部教育经验. 我们鼓励所有学生参与校园生活、俱乐部和组织. College is like anything else in life; the more you put into it the more you get out of it. 我们最成功和最满意的学生是那些参与了全面的大学经历的学生. 

Office of Residential Life Mission Statement

十大网赌正规网址居住生活系致力于培养一个安全, 舒适的生活/学习环境,支持学术、社会和社区发展. The department also supports growth and development through campus and hall involvement, celebrating diversity, and providing the opportunity for responsible decision making.


Check out our New Student Information 页面 to answer any 你可能会有关于你的宿舍房间(大小,家具等)或带到大学的常见问题.

Important Housing Dates

提前计划好宿舍开放和关闭的时间,以及其他与住宿相关的重要日期 Important Housing Dates 页面.

Housing Initiatives

Gender Inclusive Housing

性别包容性住房是一种环境,学生住房不受性别二元(男性/女性)的传统限制。. MU认识到基于生理性别分配的传统住房选择不符合需求 of many students. GIH选项旨在为学生提供安全和支持性的空间,无论其性别认同或性取向如何,都可以与他人合住.

21 +住房

在2022-2023学年,东街公寓将只招收到8月21岁以上的学生. 1, 2022. In East Street only, 21岁及以上的学生将被允许在大学宿舍内合理饮酒. 东街公寓的学生将被要求在入住前完成额外的培训课程.

Contact the Office of Residential Life

办公室位于Chinworth Center低层104套房,8a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. You can also contact us by telephone at (260)982-5052 or email at reslife@themindbehind.net.
