
Thanks to grants from the Interfaith Youth Core and the Goshen City 弟兄会 the Office of 宗教生活 and 校园跨信仰委员会 has been offering 信仰午宴s since the fall of 2019. 我们的下一次午宴将在2022年4月22日.





  Karly Eichenauer is a Biology Chemistry major with minors in Psychology and Peace Studies, 为将来成为一名家庭医生而努力




贾斯汀·拉瑟 is an Eastern Orthodox theologian, Biblical scholar, and  candidate psychoanalyst. 他来自纽约长岛,获得博士学位.D. 来自联合神学院. 在俄罗斯学习了像科普特语这样的古老语言之后, 埃塞俄比亚的, 和希腊语,他觉得不得不加入东正教的神秘, 冥想实践, 最重要的是, 它的美.


Courtney 道格拉斯
道格拉斯考特尼来自里士满, Indiana and finishing her last semester at 曼彻斯特 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology-Chemistry. 考特尼并不是在一个传统的宗教家庭长大的, 但她的家人将自己归类为基督徒. Courtney started reading about Paganism and Wicca at 15 years old and found that it made sense more than traditional religions that were around her growing up.


教师 Member: Assistant Professor of Exercise Science/Athletic Training Lucas Dargo


卢卡斯是运动科学和运动训练的助理教授. 他也是临床教育协调员. 这是卢卡斯在曼彻斯特的第二年. 他从小是卫理公会教徒,在同一个教堂待了26年. 卢卡斯在14岁时接受耶稣基督为他的主和救主. 他现在在韦恩堡的途径社区教堂做礼拜.

Fatu Kaba
法图在一个传统的穆斯林家庭长大,接受基本的伊斯兰教习俗. 在她的家庭里, culture seems to dominate religion due to the limited knowledge of the religion along with traditional limitations on women’s education. 值得庆幸的是, her single mother made efforts to introduce her to Islam through prayers or reading basic verses of the Qur’an. 这很有挑战性,因为她的母语是马拉卡语, 利比里亚的官方语言是英语, 基督教是主要的宗教. She attended a Muslim High School which did very little to help her understand Islam. She didn't wear a hijab because there was no need to and she prayed whenever she wanted without any sense of obligation. 然而, 法图长大了, she got uncomfortable with how women were being objectified while the system of patriarchy was constantly enforced. She began to question many things including religion(S) and why she was even a Muslim. At 15, 法图开始研究, 观看辩论, 和伊斯兰教竞争宗教, 基督教, 和犹太教. 她意识到伊斯兰教与她和她的价值观产生了共鸣. She made more efforts to read the Qur’an despite the language barrier and started following world scholars especially Mufti Menk and later Nouman Ali Khan. 2016年斋月, 18岁的时候, 她决定和最好的人一起更进一步, 最难的决定, 完全戴上希贾布,作为一名虔诚的穆斯林信仰伊斯兰教. 她非常感谢自己是一名穆斯林.


教职人员:音乐助理教授Pamela Haynes

帕梅拉午宴Pam Haynes has been active in musical performance at 十大网赌正规网址   since 2010. In 2016 she joined the music department faculty member as an   Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Keyboard studies. 她一直热爱音乐,并认为音乐在崇拜和精神培养中的重要性. Her spiritual journey has taken her many places: from the small Baptist church of her childhood, 在俄亥俄州的州立公园里精神上的重新觉醒, 在新西兰指导女性(和她的牧师丈夫一起). She is most connected to God when walking in the woods near her home which has become the setting for her 2020 "Creekside Encouragement" videos which offer hope and love to all who view them. 

Jarrod Hubbard

杰罗德·午宴Jarrod Hubbard是印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯人. Jarrod是山的副部长. 毗斯迦山米.B.C在B的带领和牧养下.E. 豪斯. 在Mt服务期间. Pisgah Jarrod Hubbard参与了青年事工, 教导本地圣经研究, 教会, 唱诗班, 但最重要的是,他是为耶和华如火的少年人. Jarrod is a CLD 校友 and has been active in many different community efforts such as C.R.P. (社区复活),印第安纳青年咨询委员会,青年男子公司.,以及更多. He was called to preach at the age of 8yrs old and he was released into the Gospel Ministry on September 11, 2016. Jarrod is currently an undergrad student at 十大网赌正规网址 where his major is religious studies with a concentration of ministry. Jarrod  loves the Lord and believes that God is going to do some phenomenal things with this current generation!


工作人员:教练Faith-Alexis Graham 


Faith-Alexis来自印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯,是2019届曼彻斯特毕业生. 她毕业于体育管理专业. Upon graduation I started working for the NCAA then took a job here as the Women’s Basketball Assistant Coach. Faith-Alexis experienced many barriers in her athletic career due to a torn meniscus and two torn ACLs.  After only playing one full year of basketball in high school and seven knee surgeries later, 她在大学打了四年的球, 同时也是球队的队长和首发球员. In the moment she never understood why God was allowing her to experience the things that she did, yet she continued to walk in faith and eventually was able to use basketball as a platform to touch the lives of others.



汉娜 was raised United Methodist in a family of United Methodists and Southern Baptists. 11岁时,她在联合卫理公会教堂接受了坚信礼,并被确认为美国基督教徒.M. 在中学的大部分时间里. 但后来她对古老的基督教形式产生了好奇, 比如路德教和罗马天主教. 受朋友的影响, 我也开始探索非基督教的宗教, 比如巫术崇拜, 萨满教, 以及其他形式的异教, 以及佛教. I felt that I was continually searching for something I could not quite put a name on. I did not fully become a Christian again until after a near-death experience during my senior year of high school. I began to explore Roman Catholicism, as well as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 我确实短暂地加入过耶稣基督后期圣徒教会,但后来离开了. 在天主教徒的祈祷仪式上经历了一次强烈的体验之后, 我心里知道我想成为天主教徒. My doubts in the Catholic Church were totally dissolved after receiving two visions of the Virgin Mary. 我坚信天主教会是耶稣基督的真正教会, 我一生都将留在教会.

教授:博士. 蒂姆•里德
蒂姆•里德蒂姆·里德自2008年以来一直在十大网赌正规网址音乐系任教. He is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music and is an Associate Professor of Music at MU. Tim grew up in a protestant family and active in the United Methodist Church but later began to explore other ways of thinking about religion and spirituality. 在过去的十二年里, 蒂姆培养了一种主要受佛教教义影响的精神实践.  

克里斯弗朗索瓦Chris grew up in a Roman Catholic family that has been in the faith for several generations now. 随着时间的推移, 他们开始对伏都教及其对海地历史和文化的影响感到好奇, 并继续与从业者进行对话. 克里斯目前认为自己不属于任何宗教, 但他们强烈认同伏都教,同时保留了一些天主教的根源.  

教授:博士. 凯特·艾森比斯·克里尔

教职员:牧师. Dr. 艾丽西亚Dailey

艾丽西亚Dailey牧师. Dr. 艾丽西娅·戴利在六岁的时候就接受了基督. When she was 11 or 12, she felt called to the preaching ministry but could not pursue it at the time. 作为一名本科生,牧师. Dr. 戴利是校园宗教组织的活跃分子. 她获得了两个神学院学位,并被任命为浸信会牧师. 牧师. Dr. 戴利是印第安纳州科科莫比默联合卫理公会教堂的前牧师. 具有社会工作专业硕士和博士学位, 她不断寻求将自己的信仰与社会工作价值观和道德规范相结合.



克里斯蒂是一位住在亨廷顿县的母亲/学生/企业家. 她是森林疗法的指导/导师和培训师. 她还为ANFT提供静修服务, the organization she trained with to do forest therapy She was born and  was raised in Huntington and now resides there with her 4 children and husband. 她是一名小提琴家,歌手和教师的训练和职业. 她通过当地的基督教青年会在亨廷顿管理一所音乐学校. 克里斯蒂住在玉米地里, 小麦, soybeans and wooded lots on a small hobby farm where they have planted vegetable gardens, 浆果, 果树, 还有她孩子生命中的许多回忆. Her work with ANFT has been life-changing and the source of so much of her energy and vitality. She is currently finishing a degree in Environmental Science and Religious Studies, which is in part the result of her training and also a source for even more love and connection to her forest therapy practice.